For Your Info (2)

  • For your info, Bro! , before we will read this writing , there are some 10 an infant born in the world . 
  • The keyboard of pc had a way of making test this unique the tools , in order to display all the letters in the alphabet , a sentence which typewritten is , "the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog" . 
  • Memory capacity of the brain carp just enough to remember something within a period of three seconds
  • A tiger loreng sumatra having any more than a tiger . While siberian tiger is kind of a tiger which lorengnya at least . 
  • Richard cadbury create a box candy valentine first in the late 1800 . 
  • Heart polar bears considered poisonous for storing too many vitamin c.  
  • When an octopus not obtain food , and he is very hungry , then the octopus will take one of the eight his hand . 
  • Note the sequence of digits of the answer: 111.111.111 X 111.111.111 = 12.345.678.987.654.321.
  • Human normal, average day laughing 13 times

5 komentar:

  1. Sip ... jangan lupa follow back blog ane ya gan ..

  2. artikel ini sarat akan informasi bermanfaat,jgn lupa keep update gan!
    peninggi badan

  3. thanks for sharing the information man, once again thanks

  4. wah putisi banget nih yang bikin article hahaha

  5. artikelnya sangat bagus dan menarik terimakasih


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